i have a mix of work experience including part-time jobs, full-time internships, research, teaching, founding my own companies, club leadership, numerous projects and hackathons.
september 2019 - august 2020
built machine learning models to identify hate speech in social media and the internet
june - august 2020
the project funded by the University of Toronto's COVID-19 Student Engagement Award makes it easier for individuals across the globe to find financial support during COVID-19
november 2018 - august 2019
engineered the entire image processing pipeline. developed computer vision applications for clients using CNN, GAN and image processing algorithms. authored software to generate point clouds and 3D models from stereo images. collaborated with the team to develop a custom Linux distro using Yocto Poky. modelled the Zeitdice Infinity stereo camera's enclosure in Fusion 360
may - august 2018
collaborated with 35 logistical contacts to organize the camp involving 25 activities and 49 students. organized a five-day-long scientific design challenge requiring the application of microcontrollers. tutored students on the basics of electronics and microcontrollers
january - march 2018